Table of Contents


: Indicates the next sample will be a Standard.
: Indicates the next sample will be a Batch.
Use the Measure/Select Std and Measure/Select Batch buttons on
the Control Panel to override the measurement type to be assigned to
the next sample. Below is an example:
System expects next measurement to be a Std. You want to
re-measure the last batch to be sure it is correct.
Press the Select Batch button on the Control Panel.
Remeasure the sample. It will be stored as a new batch.
Results will be updated to use this measurement.

Sample Names

Every sample must have a name. The program automatically assigns a
name to the sample before the measurement.
Standards are numbered sequentially within a folder (STD 1,
STD 2, STD 3, etc.).
All batches assigned to a single standard are numbered in
sequence (BAT 1, BAT 2, BAT 3, ...).
You can assign a custom name either before or after the measurement
is made.
26  Measuring Samples
CHECK II Quick Start Guide


Table of Contents

Table of Contents