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H-KING Seagull Building Instructions page 8

1570mm seaplane


14. Laminate together the 2 off wing fixing plates
A19, when dry install the four-pronged blind nut as
16. Glue the 3 off 6x6mm balsa strips to the top of
the fuselage from the rear wing seat former A8
down to the rearmost former A11. Glue these also to
formers A9 and A10.
15. Glue the prepared wing fixing plate A19 to the top
former A8. Then add the 2 off wing seating strips A18.
17. Then add the 2 off 6x6mm balsa strips to the
bottom of the fuselage from former A7. These will
require shaping at the rear as shown below then glued
together (Please note these do not go to a point, the
fuselage at the rear needs to be the same width as the
rear of part A12). When these have set add the center
bottom 6x6mm balsa strip from former A7 and shape
it to fit in between the 2 outer strips as shown below.
Be careful at this point not to build a twist into the
fuselage assembly.
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