Troubleshooting - iBike Newton+ Operating Instructions Manual

Power meter
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Problem: The Newton+ screen is blank even when I click the buttons
Possible causes:
1) The Newton+ battery is dead. Recharge your battery
2) The Newton+ requires rebooting. Simultaneously press left/down/right/center
3) A firmware update has been interrupted during loading and has "frozen" the
Newton+. Contact us at
Problem: The Newton+ screen doesn't show bike speed
Possible causes:
1) The spoke magnet is not properly positioned. The spoke magnet must pass by
the vertical notch of the sensor, no more than 1-2 coin widths from the sensor.
2) The wireless speed sensor battery is dead or is not installed. Replace the battery
in the sensor.
3) Sensor is defective. Email or call iBike technical support for assistance.
4) Tire circumference has been set to zero in the Setup screen. Set tire
circumference properly.
Problem: Power readings seem to be "off" for the entire ride
Possible causes:
1) Basic information was not entered. See pages 7-8 to correct.
2) Calibration ride was not performed. See pages 5-6 to correct.
3) Newton+ handlebar mount rotates on handlebars. Make sure to use double-sided
stickies when installing the mount! If needed, tighten mount: see instructions to
correct, then recalibrate.
4) Wind sensor has obstructed access to wind (hands, aero bars.). See instructions
to correct.
5) Coast Downs were done improperly. Go to the USER sequence and perform the
"EST AERO" procedure.
Problem: Power readings seem to be "off" for first five minutes only, then
become "normal"
Possible causes:
1) Mount has been rotated. Ride for five minutes, after which watts will become
normal. Then do a trip reset and the problem will self-correct.
Problem: I get very low watts readings or zero watts readings.
Possible causes:
1) Your cadence sensor has been bumped away from the cadence magnet. Make
sure the cadence magnet passes within two coin thicknesses of the cadence
sensor. When cadence is zero, watts are zero.
2) CAL RIDE was done improperly. Perform a Cal Ride.
3) Drag coefficients have been set to zero. You can check this going to
Setup/Racr/Yes, and scrolling to read the aero coefficient ("CSt Aero"). Click again
to read the frictional coefficient. If either is zero, do a new EST Aero.
4) Tire circumference has accidentally been set to zero. Check this by going to
Setup/Tire Circ (tire circumference). If zero, set to correct value.
Copyright Velocomp LLP 2005-2013
to diagnose.


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