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NEW Press the NEW soft button and the LCD displays:
To select a different program, press the soft button under the program name. To see
additional programs (if there are more programs), press the <MORE> soft button.
STEP Press the STEP soft button and the step number will blink, and the typing cursor
will appear next to the step number. Use the data entry buttons to enter the program step
to start execution. Complete the entry by pressing REC/DONE.
CYCLE Press CYCLE and the cycle count will blink, and the typing cursor will appear
next to the cycle count. Use the data-entry keys to enter the number of program cycles to
execute. Complete the entry by pressing REC/DONE.
SPEED Press SPEED and the current monitor speed will blink, and the typing cursor will
appear next to the monitor speed. Use the data-entry keys to enter a new monitor speed.
Complete the entry by pressing REC/DONE.
START The START button works only when high power is enabled (this option cannot be
used with DRY.RUN enabled). Press START and the program displayed above the NEW
soft button will begin execution.

4.13 Step Function

When the Auto/Manual keyswitch on the external Front Panel is set to Manual, V+
programs cannot initiate motions unless: high power is enabled, the pendant is set to
COMP mode, and you press the STEP button and the Speed Bar on the pendant. To
continue a motion consisting of multiple MOVE instructions once it has started, you must
continue to press the STEP button and the Speed Bar. Motions started in this mode have
their maximum speeds limited to those defined for Manual control mode.
If a program attempts to initiate a motion when the STEP button and Speed Bar are not
pressed, the following error message is displayed on the pendant and on the system
*Speed pot or STEP not pressed*
Once a motion has started in this mode, releasing the Speed Bar immediately terminates
the motion as well as any belt tracking or motion defined by an ALTER program
instruction. The error message shown above is displayed on the pendant and on the
system Monitor.
If a motion is in process, and you release the STEP button while still pressing the Speed
Bar, the robot will finish the current MOVE instruction and stop. After that, the error
message shown above is displayed on the pendant and on the system Monitor.
As an additional safeguard, when high power is enabled and the keyswitch is set to
Manual, the pendant is set to Off mode, not COMP mode or a Pendant Control mode.
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Adept T2 Pendant User's Guide, Rev D


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