Settings And Preferences - Iridium SHOUT ns General Description Manual

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Reports can be pulled on demand, or they can be configured to automatically send on a
given date or time schedule. The NAL Vue reporting feature is very similar to almost any other
data-driven platform's reporting system in that it allows the user to configure a report from a
set of pre-existing criteria driven by the types of data available in the system, define
parameters and limitations on that information, and generate reports once or at regular
All reports can be viewed directly in the NAL Vue system, and can be pulled on demand
or scheduled to be sent at predefined intervals. Regardless of whether they are recurring or
single pulls, all reports can also be exported from the system in the form of a .PDF, .CSV, or
.XLS file that the user can download and/or send from the system to any recipient.

8.2.5 Settings and Preferences

As with any account and user based software system, NAL Vue affords its administrators
and users the ability to configure their own settings and preferences while they are using the
application using two tabs; the Settings tab and the Preferences tab. Within the Settings tab,
users can configure address books, canned messages, driver settings and updates, addition
of custom map layers, and a number of other behavioral considerations. The Preferences tab
manages the more standard account-level settings like regional considerations (i.e. time zone,
metric or imperial measurements) and default views for each panel. More complex
customization of the interface and functionality is available in the Settings tab. Map Layers
NAL Vue offers users the ability to control how a viewer sees the information presented
from assets. The clearest visual example of this is the ability to toggle the various map layers
and map views on the Assets tab. Most of the map layers are provided by the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), but clients also have the capability to add their own.
The map views are provided by third party service called Mapbox
that the tile images by Mapbox in some cases can be improved upon, and more detailed
visuals or more recent visuals of a given area can be obtained for a fee. Users may also import
their own map layers on the Settings tab under Map Layers and clicking Add Map Layer.
Keyhole Markup Language (KML), GeoJSON, GPS Exchange Format (GPX), and image overlay
are the supported formats for custom map layers. From the Map Layers page, users can also
select or deselect which map layers are enabled for viewing in the Assets tab.
NAL Research Corporation (451-01001.B)
. It is important to note


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