Iridium SHOUT ns General Description Manual page 47

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alternate settings, use the Motion tab that appears when Yes is selected. The AT command
associated with this setting is ^UAMS. Time Between Reports (Standard and Motion)
This parameter sets the interval between tracking report cycles. The interval can range
from 0 and 10080 minutes in increments of 0.5 minutes (i.e., 30 seconds). The AT command
associated with this setting is ^TBR (Standard) and ^TBRA (Motion). Time To Keep Trying (Standard and Motion)
This parameter sets the duration in which the SHOUT ns attempts to retry sending a
tracking report. During a report cycle, the SHOUT ns will attempt to acquire a valid GPS fix
and acceptable communication link signal strength. Once the GPS fix and signal strength
requirements are met, the device will send a report. If the report fails to send, the SHOUT ns
will retry until the specified Time To Keep Trying window expires. There are two additional
special values for Time To Keep Trying – Only Once and Until Next Report. Only Once will
force the SHOUT ns to send only once per report cycle regardless of whether the tracking
report was successfully transmitted or not. Until Next Report will force the SHOUT ns to retry
sending a tracking report up to the next reporting cycle if there is no successful transmission.
Time To Keep Trying is specified in 5-second increments. It has a minimum value of 1.5
minutes and a maximum value of 21 minutes and 10 seconds. The AT command associated
with this setting is ^TTKT (Standard) and ^TTKTA (Motion). Delay First Report (Standard and Motion)
When enabled, this setting prevents the transmission of the first tracking report. This
applies when tracking is turned on from off or if there is a mode change. A mode change
occurs when entering/leaving a geofence and when emergency is enabled/disabled. The AT
command associated with this setting is ^DFR (Standard) and ^DFRA (Motion).
An example of how this parameter might be useful is to avoid unwanted transmissions
which may accumulate airtime costs. If tracking mode is restarting repeatedly because of
frequent power cycling, reports will be transmitted each time. Enabling Delay First Report
would delay that first report and reduce the airtime usage. Additional Setup Parameters
This section covers the configuration tabs associated with the Other profile settings. After
the Configure Window... option is selected, users can go to Profile Type on the top left of the
window and select Other. The Store Profile number has no effect for this profile type.
NAL Research Corporation (451-01001.B)


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