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Iridium YB3 Rental Tracker Basic Instruction Manual

Iridium YB3 Rental Tracker Basic Instruction Manual


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YB3 Rental Tracker
Instruction Guide
YB Tracker must be turned on, outdoors and able to
find a satellite signal by
Wednesday, April 24
Test transmissions will begin at 12:00am 4/24/19.
Keypad: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and OK
The VB Rental Tracker is a self-contained
battery powered GPS Tracking device.
It uses satellites to get GPS fixes and transmit
its positions back to base. Threfore, it needs to
have a good view of the sky to operate properly.
To turn the tracker ON:
To Turn the tracker on, press the LEFT ◄ and RIGHT ► keys together
on the keypad
'press UP to start' •.
Make sure the unit is outside when it is turned on:
The tracker will attempt to transmit as soon as it has been turned on,
and will then revert to transmitting at its normal frequency. Whenever the
tracker is trying to transmit, a green light will flash on the keypad.
Sending a 'one-off' position report (manual position report):
To send a one-off position report, press and hold the UP • key for
5 seconds. The screen will wake up and a countdown will be displayed to
confirm that the position is being sent.
To send an alert message:
Lift the flap at the bottom of the tracker, and hold down the red alert button
for 5 seconds(@). The screen will say 'Sending Alert ... ' - ensure that the
unit has the best view of the sky possible and leave until the green LED
stops flashing. You can repeat this process.
To charge:
If you need to charge the tracker, simply unscrew the cap covering the
USB port on the bottom of the
A red LED will turn on when the unit is charging. After charging, check
that the USB cap is done back up again very tightly to ensure the unit
remains fully waterproof.
To turn the tracker OFF:
To turn the tracker off, simply press the OK key to enter the main menu,
scroll all the way down to 'Deactivation' and press OK, and OK again to
The screen will light up and you will be prompted to
and plug into the USB charger.



Summary of Contents for Iridium YB3 Rental Tracker

  • Page 1 The VB Rental Tracker is a self-contained YB3 Rental Tracker Basic battery powered GPS Tracking device. Instruction Guide It uses satellites to get GPS fixes and transmit its positions back to base. Threfore, it needs to YB Tracker must be turned on, outdoors and able to have a good view of the sky to operate properly.
  • Page 2 YB Tracker - Mounting Guide The YB Tracker is an Iridium satellite based locator beacon, and as such requires to be able to see the sky - both for acquiring a GPS fix and transmitting positions. If your tracker has already been turned on...
  • Page 3 Returning your Yellow Brick Tracker Ensenada NOSA Headquarters Desk – Hotel Coral courtyard By Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 2:00pm If you are racing to Dana Point or San Diego, please turn in your tracker with the host yacht club. YB Tracking is not intended to track you back to your home port. Satellite signal will be turned off when the race to Ensenada ends at 11:00am on Sunday morning.