Restarting After Extended Or Overnight Burns; Over Firing; Proper Draft; Ash Removal - Pacific energy ALT 1.2 Installation And Operating Instructions Manual

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WARNING: No alteration or modification of the combustion air control assembly is permitted. Any tampering will void war-
ranty and could be very hazardous.
WARNING: Do not use grates or andirons to elevate the fuel. Burn directly on the fire bricks. Replace broken or missing
bricks. Failure to do so may create a hazardous condition.

Restarting After Extended or Overnight Burns

If there is insufficient burning material in the fire bed to light a new fuel charge, excessive smoke emission can occur.
Refueling must be carried out onto a sufficient quantity of embers and ash that the new charge will ignite in a reasonable
period. If there are too few embers in the fire bed, add suitable kindling to prevent excessive smoke.
1. Open door and rake hot embers towards the front of the heater. Add a couple of dry, split logs on top of embers,
close door.
2. Adjust air control to high and in just a few minutes, logs should begin burning.
3. After wood has charred, reset air control to desired setting.
4. To achieve maximum firing rate, set control to "High" position(all the way to the left). Do not use this setting other
than for starting or preheating fresh fuel loads.

Over Firing

DO NOT OVERFIRE THIS HEATER: Attempts to achieve heat output rates that exceed heater design
specifications can result in permanent damage to the heater and chimney.
Over firing can be caused by operating the unit with the door open, damage to door gaskets allowing excess air to enter
the firebox, the use of kiln dried lumber, mill ends or paper waste and prolonged or continual use on a high burn setting.

Proper Draft

Operation with the door open can cause excessive smoke. Do not operate this unit in a manner that will cause excessive
1. Draft is the force which moves air from the appliance up through the chimney. The amount of draft in your chimney
depends on the length of the chimney, local geography, nearby obstructions and other factors.
2. Too much draft may cause excessive temperatures in the appliance. An uncontrollable burn or a glowing red stove
part or chimney indicates excessive draft.
3. Inadequate draft may cause back puffing into the room and plugging of the chimney. Smoke leaking into the room
through appliance and chimney connector joints indicates inadequate draft. This will also cause excessive smoke

Ash Removal

Caution: Ashes are to be removed only when the heater is cold. Whenever ashes get 3 to 4 inches deep in your firebox,
and when fire has burned down and cooled, remove excess ashes. Leave an ash bed approximately 1" (25 mm) deep
on the firebox bottom to help maintain a hot charcoal bed for future fires.
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