Vintage Revolution PedalPro Ex Owner's Manual page 31

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When you assign the value 0 to Depth, the amount of phase shift de-
pends on the Manual level (manual phasing). By adjusting the value of
the Manual parameter, you can then:
Produce nice distortion tones by combining the manual Phaser
with the Distortion. In the Phaser configuration page, keep the
value of Depth to 0 in this combination, and experiment with ap-
plying different values on the Manual parameter.
Control your phase shift with an expression pedal via
Set the expression pedal to control the manual phaser (i.e., assign
the Phas_man parameter to the expression pedal*). The manual
adjustment of the phase shift in real time will produce interesting
sounds in stereo configuration.
To produce a classic vintage phaser effect, assign the value 0 to
Manual. The effect will also vary according to the Depth settings and
the modulating waveform (Wv) you have selected.
To produce a medium/fast phaser - e.g., with a Tempo greater than
120 BPM - and with a low depth (less than 60%), use a combination of
Manual level and Depth. The Phaser will produce time varying phase
shift, according to the Depth and the Manual settings. When working
using this configuration, set the level of Depth to between 30 and 60
and adjust the Manual level according to the effect you want to cre-
Which waveform (Wv) form should you use? It depends on the effect
you want to create. For a shimmering, slow-sweeping deep phaser,
use 'pcal' (linear phase sweep) or 'trig' (triangle), setting the parame-
ter Tempo to a low value. For a Leslie effect (vibrato), use 'sine' and a
level of Tempo greater than 170. For an arpeggiator, use a 'shlf' (shelf)
or 'rect' (Rectangle) and moderate Tempo.
The parameter Ph (phase of the modulating waveform) does not pro-
duce any effect if you are using the Phaser on its own. For use of the
Phaser in combination with any other modulators (tremolo, panner,
auto filters, etc) refer to the QUICK TIP box
'Phase of the modulating
Working with Effects: Phaser


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