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Working with Effects: Phaser

9.3.6 Phaser

A phaser is an effect that uses a comb-like filter to create a series of notches
in its frequency response. These are then usually time-modulated or swept
across a range of frequencies.
The Phaser in the PedalPro Ex is implemented using six custom-made optical
resistors and produces a sound just like the shimmering tones typical of the
70's (and similar to the Morley Pro-Phaser*).
But the PedalPro Ex Phaser outperforms any classic vintage equivalent.
PedalPro Ex uses six OP275 operational amplifiers that allow for a far greater
transparency, an ultra-low noise output, and an incredible modulator flex-
The phase and the Phaser's modulating waveforms is completely under your
control, and can be synchronised with any other phase-controlled effect.
To enter the Phaser configuration page, press the multifunction key [10a]
labelled 'Phasr' on
page 2
The screenshot below shows you the screen of the Phaser configuration
P a h s r
a M ua
Tempo : 07 .
D pt
Phaser – Phaser effect switch. Range: on (
To add (
) or remove (
press the BYPASS EFFECT 1 key [10a].
Manual – Manual phase shift selection. Range: 0-100%
When you set the Depth parameter (see below) to 0, the amount of phase
shift then depends on the level assigned to the Manual parameter.
*All trademarks are property of their respective owners and used for reference only.
of the main menu.
: 01 . 2 1
2 0
: 06 2 .
Ph: 0 9
0 Ì
), off (
) the analogue Phaser from your effect chain,
To change the amount of manual phase shift to the signal, press EDIT [5],
and use the arrow keys [3] to position the blinking cursor next to Manual.
Adjust the value with the selection dial [4].
Tempo – Speed of the modulator. Range 3 BPM (20 s) - 550 BPM (9.16 Hz)
To change the Tempo of the modulating waveform, press EDIT [5], and
use the arrow keys [3] to position the blinking cursor next to Tempo. Ad-
just the value with the selection dial [4].
Wv – Modulating waveform. Range: sine, trig, trap, rect, pcal, shlf, vntg
The Phaser has many modulating waveforms from which you can choose. All
the classic waveforms are included, along with some exclusive VR-designed
waveforms. Available waveforms include: sine, triangle, trapeze, rectangle,
pcal (phaser calibrated curve, linear phase sweep), shlf (shelf), vntg (vin-
tage). (see
Appendix A
for more details on the modulating waves).
To change or select a modulating waveform, press EDIT [5], and use the
arrow keys [3] to position the blinking cursor next to Wv. Adjust the value
with the selection dial [4].
Depth – Depth of the modulation. Range: 0-100%
The depth parameter controls the depth of the phaser effect.
To alter the depth of the Tremolo or Panner effect, press EDIT [5], and use
the arrow keys [3] to position the blinking cursor next to Depth. Adjust the
value with the selection dial [4].
Ph – Phase of the modulator. Range: 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°
The phase of the modulator controls the phase of the modulating waveform.
It is used to control the relative phase among effects that offer the possibility
of selecting the Phase of the Modulator (Ph), e.g., Tremolo/Panner, Phaser,
Auto Filters, Chorus. (For more details refer to the QUICK TIP box
waveforms', on page 29).
To alter the phase of the Tremolo or Panner effect, press EDIT [5], and use
the arrow keys [3] to position the blinking cursor next to Ph. Adjust the
value with the selection dial [4].
'Phase of the


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