Vca And Mid Volume - Vintage Revolution PedalPro Ex Owner's Manual

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Working with Effects: Tremolo / Panner / Pre-volume-pedal

9.3.5 VCA and mid volume

The PedalPro Ex's optical VCA (Voltage Control Amplitude) can either be
used as tremolo, panner or as mid volume pedal (volume control before
modulation, delay, etc..). When is used as tremolo or panner the user can
choose among 7 modulating waveforms are. These include the classic sine,
triangle, and square waves, as well as some exclusive, VR-designed wave-
forms such as 'vintage', which produces the same tremolo as a vintage
Fender amplifier.
By varying the modulating waveforms, tempo, depth and phase of your Tremo-
lo/Panner you can produce a wide range of effects.
QUICK TIP: if your are using the VCA as a mid volume control (before the
time based effects) use MIDICC#51 to control the level via an expression
pedal and MIDICC#12 to engage/disengaged. This feature is handy for
situations such as when playing with the attack of the guitar sound in order
to produce a violin-like sound (swelling sound effect)
To enter the Tremolo/Panner configuration page, press the multifunction
key [10d] labelled 'Trem' on
Tempo: 05 .
D pt
Assign – Tremolo/Panner/Volume pedal. If you select Volume Pedal, you can
control the level before the time based effects and after the Compressor,
DIstortion, Boost and pre- loop via an expression pedal (MIDICC#51)
Tempo – Speed of the modulator. Range 3 BPM (20 s) - 550 BPM (9.16 Hz)
To change the Tempo of the modulating waveform, press EDIT [5], and
use the arrow keys [3] to position the blinking cursor next to Tempo. Ad-
just the value with the selection dial [4].
page 1
of the main menu.
0 4
: 02 2 .
Ph: 0 0
0 Ì
Wv – Modulating waveform. Range: sine, trig, trap, rect, pcal, shlf, vntg.
The tremolo / panner modulating waveform parameter allows you to select
from among the available modulating waveforms. All the classic waveforms
are included, along with some exclusive, VR-designed waveforms. Available
waveforms include: sine, triangle, trapeze, rectangle, pcal (phaser calibrated
curve), shlf (shelf), vntg (vintage) (see
for more details on the modulating waves).
To change or select a modulating waveform, press EDIT [5], and use the
arrow keys [3] to position the blinking cursor next to Wv. Adjust the value
with the selection dial [4].
Depth – Depth of the VCA. Range: 0-100%
The depth parameter controls the depth of the tremolo/panner effect or the
volume level according to the status of the Assign function
To alter the depth of the VCA effect, press EDIT [5], and use the arrow keys
[3] to position the blinking cursor next to Depth. Adjust the value with the
selection dial [4].
Ph – Phase of the modulator. Range: 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°
This parameter controls the phase of the modulating waveform. It is used to
control the relative phase among effects that offer the possibility of select-
ing the Phase of the Modulator (Ph), e.g., the Tremolo/Panner, Phaser, Auto
Filters, Chorus.
To alter the phase of the Tremolo or Panner effect, press EDIT [5], and use
the arrow keys [3] to position the blinking cursor next to Ph. Adjust the
value with the selection dial [4].
A, at the end of this manual,


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