Supero SUPERSERVER 5017K-N6 User Manual page 90

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ERVER 5017K-N6 User's Manual
Legacy OS Redirection Resolution: 80x24 or 80x25
PuTTY Keypad: VT100, Linux, XTermR6, SCO, ESCN, VT400
Redirection After BIOS POST: Always Enable, Bootloader
Serial Port for Out-of-Band Management / Windows Emergency
Management Services (EMS)
Use this feature to enable console redirection.
Console Redirection
Use this feature to enable console redirection for Serial Port Out-of-Band Manage-
ment / Windows Emergency Management Services (EMS) ports. The options are
Enabled and Disabled.
Console Redirection Settings
Confi gure the following options for the Console Redirection Settings. The
most common settings are set as default:
Out-of-Band Management Port: COM1, COM2
Terminal Type: Select ANSI, VT100, VT100+, or VT-UTF8
Bits per Second (BPS): 9600, 19200, 57600, or 115200
Flow Control: None, Hardware RTS/CTS, Software Xon/Xoff
Data Bits: 8 or 7
Parity: None, Even, Odd, Mark, or Space
Stop Bits: 1 or 2


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