Gamatronic POWER PLUS Technical Manual page 82

Modular ups system 10 kva to 100 kva, 3x400 v
Table of Contents


Al a r m s
Use menu option 6 to display the alarms. Active alarms are identified by an asterisk to the right of the alarm name. List the names of
any active alarms: ___________________
I - a c t i ve / I - b u s
Verify that the difference between I-active and I-bus for each module is no greater than 1 mA.
[ ] OK
[ ] Not OK
B y p a s s T e s t a n d M o d u l e M a i n t e n a n c e
Connect an oscilloscope to Power+ output terminals L1 and N. Press the INV/BYPASS button twice to transfer the UPS to bypass
mode. Verify that the transfer takes place normally, with no interruption of power to the load.
[ ] OK
[ ] Not OK
S o f t w a r e V e r s i o n
Check the software version in the System Controller. If it is not the latest, replace the EPROM with the latest version.
C h e c k F r o n t a n d R e a r F a n s
Use a flashlight to visually verify that the 4 front fans and 2 rear fans in each module are operating.
Front fans
Rear fans
V o l t a g e M e a s u r e m e n t s
Measured value: ____ Vac
Use a voltmeter to measure the bypass input voltages according to the table below. Compare your measurements with the console
display of the bypass input voltage.
Inverter output
C a l i b r a t i o n
Select option 7 from the Main Menu.
When prompted for the password press the left arrow key 8 times and press Enter.
When the submenu appears, select option 2, Module Configuration, then option 7, Dc calibration or option 8, Ac calibration. Enter
here any calibration performed: __________________________________________________
Verify that the Power+ clock and calendar show the right time and date. If either time or date are
incorrect, enter the correct information and save.
Comments ____________________________________________________
Comments ____________________________________________________
Remove each module and clean the exterior and rear contacts with compressed air. Check the rear
of each module for corrosion.
Blow compressed air into the module front to back and back to front.
Return the modules and transfer the UPS back to Inverter mode. Verify that the UPS functions
Comments ____________________________________________________
[ ] OK
[ ] Not OK
[ ] OK
[ ] Not OK
Measure the voltage between Neutral and Ground at the bypass input. The value should be no
greater than 5 Vac..
L1 – N
L2 – N
L3 – N
Gamatronic Electronic Industries Ltd.
Comments ____________________________
Comments ____________________________
Readings match?
Power+ Technical Guide


Table of Contents

Table of Contents