Seat Mii 2014 Owner's Manual page 141

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● Air conditioning cooling system: if the air conditioning system is re-
quired to cool to significantly lower temperatures than the true outside tem-
perature, it will require a large quantity of energy from the engine. There-
fore, we recommend that the selected temperature for the vehicle is not too
different to the outside temperature. It is a good idea to open all the win-
dows of the car before starting your journey, and to drive a short distance
with all the windows open to allow the vehicle to cool down slightly. Only
then should you close all the windows and switch on the air conditioning.
Keep windows closed when travelling at high speeds. Driving with the win-
dows open increases fuel consumption.
● Switch off the seat heating when the seats have warmed up.
● Switch off the heated rear window when it is not misted up or covered in
Other factors which increase fuel consumption (examples):
● Fault in engine management.
● Driving on hills.
Saving fuel while driving
By adopting an economical driving style and anticipating the traffic situa-
tion ahead, you can easily reduce fuel consumption by 10-15%.
Fig. 102 Fuel consump-
tion in litres per 100 km
at 2 different outside
A vehicle uses most fuel when accelerating. By anticipating the traffic situa-
tion ahead, you will brake and therefore accelerate less. Wherever possible,
let the car roll slowly to a stop, for instance when you can see that the next
traffic lights are red.
Avoid short journeys
Fuel consumption is much higher when the engine is cold, immediately af-
ter it has been started. It takes a few kilometres of driving for the engine to
warm up and to normalise consumption.
The engine and catalytic converter need to reach their proper working tem-
perature in order to minimise fuel consumption and emissions. The ambient
temperature has a decisive influence.
Fig. 102
shows the difference in consumption for the same journey at
+20 °C (+68 °F) and at -10 °C (+14 °F).
Therefore, unnecessary short journeys should be avoided. Try to combine
The vehicle uses more fuel in winter than in summer, even when other con-
ditions are the same.
"Warming" the engine is not only forbidden in some countries, but in prac-
tice it is technically superfluous as it is a waste of fuel.
Adjusting type pressures.
Having the correct pressure in your tyres helps to reduce rolling resistance
and, as a result reduces fuel consumption. Increasing the tyre pressure
slightly (+0.2 bar / +3 psi / +200 kPa) can help to save fuel.
When you buy new tyres, make sure they are optimised for minimum rolling
Use low friction engine oil
The use of low viscosity totally synthetic oils, known as low friction engine
oil, help to reduce fuel consumption. These oils reduce the resistance
caused by friction in the engine, they flow around the engine more quickly
Driving and the environment
Technical specifications


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