Table of Contents


Description of the terminal

The screen

The content of the screen varies according to the terminal and guides you in your searches
by displaying the context keys. Follow the instructions.
In idle
mode, the screen indicates:
• The terminal ID
• The name assigned to the programmable keys. These keys can be programmed using
Aastra Phone Suite. Ask your system operator for advice.
• Date and time
• A message line: if several messages concern the terminal status, each message is
displayed alternately. You can display the different messages using the up and down
browser keys. These messages indicate:
• That immediate call forwarding is active
• Unanswered incoming calls since the log was last displayed
• That fallback mode is active (backup)
• That the Do Not Disturb function is active
• A parked call
• The name of context keys.
: after input timeout in the terminal configuration menu
48.), the screen changes to power-saving mode. In this case, a frame moves on the
screen, showing time and date. Pressing any key reactivates the full screen display.
During a
call, the screen also indicates:
• The correspondent's name and/or number
• His/her picture if applicable
• The time that has passed since the call was started
• If applicable, the audio quality level and/or a small padlock, meaning that the call is
• The name of the functions accessible through context keys. A series of dots associated
with a context key indicate that other functions are available by pressing this key.
(See "Setting the display",
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents