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Osterizer Liquefier Blender Recipe And Instruction Book page 29

Liquefier blender osterizer


Put 3 cups (750mL) of cabbage pieces Into Osterizer blender container, cover with
cold water. Cover and process 1-2 cycles at GRIND. (This is a medium-chop-if a
finer chop is desired process 1 additional cycle.) Drain Immediately through colander
and season and mix with mayonnaise or any desired dressing.
V7e/d.- IVi cups (375mL)
2 cups (SOOmL) boiling water
2 packages (S-ounces or 8S g each)
rBsptMrry^Havorad gelatin
IVi cups (S75mL) ginger ale
V 4 cup (SOmL) walnuts
1 large apple, cut in pieces
1 stalk celery, cut In pieces
Add trailing water to gelatin and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Add ginger ale and
chill until slightly congealed. Put walnuts into Osterizer blender container Cover
and process 2 cycles at CHOP. Empty container and put apples and celery Into
blender container Cover with cold water and process 2 cycles at MIX. Pour Into
colander and drain. Fold nuts, celery and apples Into slightiy congealed gelatin
mixture. Pour into a lightly oiled 6Vi-cup (IVi liter) mold. Chill until firm. Unmold and
garnish with lettuce leaves and fresh fruit
Yield: 8 servings
2 envetepes unflavored gelatin
Vl cup (125mL) coM water
Vi cup (12SmL) boiling water
114 cups (SOOmL) sugar
1 small orange, cut In eightlis,
3 cups (750mL) cranlwrries
Sprinkle unflavored gelatin over cold water in Osterizer blender container Let stand
3-4 minutes. Add boiling water Cover and process at STIR until gelatin dissolves,
atwut 2 minutes. Add sugar and orange. Cover and process at GRIND until finely
chopped. Add crantranries. Cover and process 2-3 cycles or until finely choppied.
Pour Into 4-cup (1 liter) mold or bowl and chill until finn.
y7e/d.- 8 servings
Wl pounds (.75 kg) fresh broccoli, cut
In bKe-size pieces
1 smaD onten, quartered
Vi cup (12$mL) green stuffed olives
4 hard-cooked eggs, quartered
Vi cup (125mL) mayonnaise
Put broccoli Into large bowl. Put onions and olives Into Osterizer blender container
Cover and process 2-3 cycles at CHOP or until finely chopped. Add to broccoli. Put
2 eggs Into blender container. Cover and process 2 cycles at STIR. Empty Into bowl
with broccoli and repeat with remaining eggs. Combine all ingredients and chill.
y7e/d; 6 sen/ings

