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Apple Butter - Osterizer Liquefier Blender Recipe And Instruction Book

Liquefier blender osterizer


2 cups (SOthnL) cranberries
1 orange, cut In eighths
V4 cup (200mL) sugar
Put 1 cup (250mL) cranberries into Osterizer blender container Cover and process
2 cycles at GRATE. If necessary, push berries from side of container and process 2
additional cycles at GRATE. Empty Into bowl. Repeat with remaining berries. Put
orange and sugar Into blender container Cover and process at BLEND until
smooth. Add to berries and mix well. Let stand at least 30 minutes b>efore serving.
V7e/d.- 2 cups (500mL)
4 pouncto (2 kg) apples
1 Vs cups (32SmL) cUer or apple jutee
2 cups (SOOmL) sugar
2 teaspoons (lOmL) cinnamon
1 teaspoon (SmL) nutmeg
Vi teaspoon (2mL) ground cloves
Wash and core apples; cut In eighths. Put 2/3 cup (1 SOmL) cider and 5 or 6 pieces of
apple Into Osterizer blender container. Cover and process at BLEND until smooth.
Remove feeder cap and add apple pieces until container is filled. Empty into
saucepan. Repeat with remaining cider and apples. Add sugar and spices to
pureed apples. Cook over low heat about IVi hours, stirring occasionally. Pour at
once Into sterilized canning jars and seal. Process 10 minutes In a boiling water
bath at simmering temperatures. If a smoother butter Is desired, cook IVi hours,
then process In blender and cook an additional Vi hour
V7e/d.- about 3 pints ( m liters)
1 quart (1 Utei) strawtMrries
4Vi cups (1.12 IKere) sugar
Vi 6-ounce (85 g) bottle Ikiukl pectin
Put 1 cup (250mL) strawt>erries into Osterizer blender container Cover and process
at UQUEFY. With motor running, drop remaining strawberries through feeder cap.
Measure 2Vi cups (625mL) pureed strawben'ies; add water if needed. Pour into
large mixing bowl. Add sugar Mix well and allow to stand 20 minutes. Add pectin
and stir constantly for 3 minutes. Pour into clean freezer containers or canning jars,
leaving V^" (1.3 cm) headspace. Cover and let stand at room temperature 24 hours.
Freeze or store in refrigerator
Yield: 3 pints (IVi liters)

