Washing; Soft Top Care; Exterior Storage - Vauxhall VX220 Owner's Manual

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P age 87, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\SKIPOM.fm RHD , Vaux Edition 9.3.05


It is recom mended that the vehicle is
washed by hand and that autom atic car
washes are avoided.
The paintwork of your v ehicle is exposed to
env ironmenta l influences, e. g. continuous
changes in weather conditions, ind ustrial
waste gases and dust or tha wing sa lts, so
wash and wax your vehicle regularly.
Bird droppings, dead insects, resin, pollen
and the like should be cleaned off
immediately , as they contain aggressive
constituents which can cause paint
dam age.
Many contaminants are water soluble and
can be removed by thorough washing with
plenty of luk ewarm water tog ether with a
car wash detergent (household detergents
are not recom mended as they ca n remove
wax and accelerate oxidation).
It is recom mended that the vehicle be
washed by hand, in the sha de, using a
cotton wash-m itt or sponge that is
reg ularly rinsed . Use a straight b ack and
forth washing m otion to av oid swirled
To minim ise the d amage from road salt,
the underside of the vehic le should be
rinsed with clea n water as soon as possible
after travelling on treated roads.
Thoroughly rinse off and leather-off the
vehicle. Rinse leather frequently . Use
separate leathers for paint and w indow
surfaces: remnants of wax on the wind ow s
will impair vision.

Soft top care

Pa rticular ca re should be ta ken when
washing the fabric soft top. Carefully
vacuum the soft top before washing to
remove excess dust and dirt particles.
Wash in sha de w ith a sp onge (a cham ois
will leav e lint, while a brush may abrade
the threads) and use a Va ux hall Car
Shampoo and lukewarm water solution.
Wash the entire top uniformly to av oid
rings or spots. Rinse with plenty of clean
Remove surfac e wa ter with a sponge and
allow to a ir dry. Be sure to allow the soft top
to dry comp letely before stowing a s
prolonged stow age of a wet or damp roof
will promote rotting of the fab ric.
z Remov e bird droppings from the roof
z Do not use aggressive cleaning agents
or stain removers.
z Do not direct wa ter jets on to the edges
of the roof.
z Do not use sharp-edged objects to
remove snow and ice from the roof.
Whilst the soft top is weatherproof, it
cannot be guaranteed to be fully
waterproof if the vehic le is washed in an
automatic c ar wash. It is therefore
recommended that the vehicle is hand -
washed and that autom atic car washes are
av oided.
Exterior st or age
Due to the soft top design being
weatherproof and not water tight in all
conditions, extended periods of rainfa ll
ma y result in som e w ater collection in the
passenger compartment. Therefore, it is
recommended that the vehicle is not stored
outside without a suitab le protective
covering such as a shower cover (availab le
from y our Vauxhall App rov ed R epairer).

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