Vauxhall VX220 Owner's Manual page 3

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P age 1, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA 2399- 5\VML\ RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Your VX 220
Dev eloped to the la test findings of vehic le research, it offers technical sophistication and exceptiona l comfort.
Your vehicle represents an ideal synthesis of ad vanced technolog y, outsta nding safety, environm ental compatibility and economy in
opera tion.
It now lies with you to drive your vehicle safely and to see it performs perfectly.
This O wner's Manual provides you with all the necessary information to tha t end.
Make sure y our pa ssengers a re awa re of the possible risk of a ccident and injury which m ay result from improper use of the vehicle.
The O wner's Manual should a lways be kept with the v ehicle.
Make use of the Owne r's Manual:
z Its "I n Brief" section will give y ou a n initial ov erview.
z Its index will help you find what y ou want.
z It will familiarize you with the sophisticated technology.
z It will increase your pleasure in y our vehicle.
z It will help you to handle y our v ehicle ex pertly.
The O wner's Manual is designed to be clearly laid-out and easily understood.
This symb ol:
6 signifies: continue reading on next page.
3 The asterisk sig nifies equipment op tions not in all vehicles
(m od el v aria nts, engine options, models specific to one country , optional eq uipm ent, Genuine Va ux ha ll Parts and Accessories).
Text highlighted in yellow indicates possible risk of a ccident or injury.
Disreg ard of these instructions may lead to injuries or end anger life. Vehicle
passengers should be informed ac cordingly .
Yellow arrows in the illustrations serve as points of reference or ind icate some action to be performed.
Black arrow s in the illustrations indicate a reaction or a second ac tion to be perform ed.
We w ish you m any hours of pleasurable driving
Your Va uxhall team

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