Airbag System - Vauxhall VX220 Owner's Manual

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P age 35, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\ RHD , Vaux Edition 9.3.05
Im portant
z Acc essories not released for your vehicle
ty pe and other objects m ust not be
affix ed or p la ced in the a rea in which the
belt tensioners operate, as they could
cause injury when the belt tensioners are
activated .
z Do not m ake any modifications to the
com ponents of the belt tensioners, a s
this will render the vehicle unroadworthy .
Improper handling (e.g. removal or
installation) c an activate the belt
tensioners – risk of injury.
z The belt tensioner and airbag sy stem
control electronics c an be found in the
centre c onsole area. I n ord er to av oid
malfunctions, do not store magnetic
ob jects in this area.
z We recom mend that y ou hav e the seats
removed by a Vauxhall Approved
z The belt tensioners only a ctuate once.
Please replace belt tensioners that have
been triggered. We recomm end that you
consult your Va ux ha ll Approved
z When disposing of the v ehicle, please
ob serve the applicab le regula tions.
Please have the vehicle disposed of by a
disposal company . We recommend tha t
you consult your Vauxhall Approved

Airbag system

The airb ag sy stem is identified by the w ord
"airbag" on the steering wheel.
The airbag sy stem comprises:
z an airbag with an inflator in the steering
z the control electronics w ith im pact
z the airb ag system control indicator v in
the instrum ent panel.
The airbag system is triggered:
z depending on the sev erity of the
z depending on the ty pe of im pact
z within the range shown in the illustration.
z Impact against a non-y ielding obstacle:
the airbag is triggered at low vehicle
speed .
z Impact aga inst a y ielding obsta cle (such
as another vehicle): the airb ag is only
trig gered at a higher vehicle speed.
The speeds, directions of m ov ement and
deform ation properties of the vehicles, and
the properties of the ob stacle concerned,
determine the severity of the accident and
triggering of the driver's airbag.

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