Checking And Topping Up Fluids; Engine Oil; Engine Oil Level - Vauxhall VX220 Owner's Manual

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P age 79, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\ RHD , Vaux Edition 9.3.05

Checking and topping up fluids

To aid id entific ation, the engine oil filler
cap, the coolant expansion tank cap, the
lid of the fluid container for the windscreen
wash system and the handle of the oil
dipstick are coloured y ellow.

Engine oil

Vauxhall engine oil is p artic ularly suitable
for the engine.
These high-quality oils are suitable for
sum mer and winter operation.
You m ay also use good-quality brand HD
oils with the proper visc osity c la ss (SAE)
and quality (AC EA). See page 91 for
inform ation on oils. The AC EA c ategory
may be taken as a quality criterion.
In the case of brand oils the ma nufacturers
are responsible for ensuring that the oils
they supply are suitable for Vauxhall
vehic les.
Engine oil l ev el
It is norma l for every engine to consum e
some oil. For this reason the engine oil level
should be check ed every 300 m iles
(500 km) or before starting a long trip. The
illustrations show checking the oil lev el on
the Z22SE and the Z20LET (Turbo) engines
The oil level must be checked with the
vehicle horizontal and with the engine
(which must be at operating tempera ture)
switched off. Wait a t least two minutes
before checking the level to allow the
normal oil acc um ulation in the engine to
drain ba ck into the oil pa n. To check the
level, remove the oil gauge (dipstick), wipe
it clean and re-insert it as fa r as it will go.
Top up if the oil lev el has dropped to the
"a dd oil" m ark A.
The oil level must not go above the upper
ma rk B on the dipstic k. This would lead, for
example, to increased oil consumption and
excessive form ation of ca rb on resid ue.

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