Running A Custom Report - Novell ZENWORKS 10 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT SP3 - ASSET INVENTORY REFERENCE 10.3 30-03-2010 Reference Manual

Table of Contents


Software Applications (folder): Reports focusing on software applications, such as how many
applications were added during a specified time.
SW apps added in last 30 days (by product): Shows the software applications that were
added during the previous 30 days, grouped by product.
SW apps added in last 30 days (by workstation): Shows the software applications that
were added during the previous 30 days, grouped by workstation.
SW apps deleted in last 30 days (by product): Shows the software applications that
were deleted during the previous 30 days, grouped by product.
SW apps deleted in last 30 days (by workstation): Shows the software applications that
were deleted during the previous 30 days, grouped by workstation.
Workstations with antivirus software: Shows the Windows workstations (not marked
as deleted) with antivirus software installed.
Workstations with suspicious software installed: Shows the workstations with
suspicious software installed.
Workstations without antivirus software: Shows the Windows workstations (not
marked as deleted) without antivirus software installed.
Systems (folder): Reports focusing on system details, such as how many systems were added
during a specified time.
Hosts of Virtual Machines: Shows the systems that are hosting virtual machines.
Systems added in last 90 days: Shows the systems (Windows, UNIX*/Linux*) that were
added to the inventory database during the last 90 days.
Systems deleted in last 90 days: Shows the systems (Windows, UNIX/Linux) that were
deleted during the previous 90 days.
Systems that have not loaded results in 90 days: Shows the systems (Windows, UNIX/
Linux) that have not been marked as deleted and have not loaded scan results during the
previous 90 days.
Systems with less that 100 MB free space: Shows the systems (Windows, UNIX/Linux)
that have not been deleted and have less than 100MB free disk space.
Systems with less that 128 MB memory: Shows the systems (Windows, UNIX/Linux)
that have not been deleted and have less than 128MB total memory.
Virtual Machines: Shows the virtual machines in your Management Zone.

8.2.2 Running a Custom Report

1 In ZENworks Control Center, click Reports.
2 In the Inventory Custom Reports panel, click the folder containing the report you want to run.
The number of reports in each folder is shown in the Report Count column.
Using Reports 119


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