Immergas VICTRIX MAIOR 28 Instructions And Recommendations page 97

Table of Contents


When the new flame set is reached, the symbol (
digit. It is possible to move on to the next stage by pressing the MODE button or to make a further correction by decreasing or increasing
the flame set value by a further unit (up to a maximum of -5 - +5) in the same way. The procedure will end either automatically at the end of
the maximum time or by pressing the MODE button on completion of the last calibration step (Mi) with digit flashing to confirm suc-
cessful calibration. To exit early, press the RESET button.
) will become steady again and the previously set value will be displayed on the right
You may then:
- proceed to the next calibration step by pressing MODE;
- (ONLY IF NECESSARY) change the value of the flame set to
correct the CO
the CO
value). Use the knob (6) to adjust the heating tempera-
ture (
) by selecting a value between -1, 0 and 1 (the edited
value will flash). Confirm the value by pressing the MODE
button (the symbol will start flashing and the indication (MA,
AC, Mi) of the current phase alternating with the flow tempera-
ture will appear again on the right digit).
value. (Increase the flame set value to decrease


Table of Contents

Table of Contents