Group 6: Protection Parameters - Delta VFD004L11A User Manual

Compact and panel-installation drives
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VFD-L Series

Group 6: Protection Parameters

6 - 00
Over-Voltage Prevention Level
During deceleration, the motor DC bus voltage may exceed its Maximum Allowable Value
due to motor regeneration. When this function is enabled, the AC drive will stop
decelerating. Maintaining a constant output frequency when it happens. The AC drive will
only resume deceleration when the voltage drops below preset value.
With a moderate inertial load, the over-voltage during deceleration won't happen, and the
drive will stop in programmed time. The AC drive will automatically extend the
deceleration time with high inertial loads.
application, then dynamic braking resistors should be used.
6 - 01
Over-Current Prevention Level
Settings d 0
A setting of 100% is equal to the Rated Output Current of the drive.
During acceleration, the AC drive output current may increase abruptly to exceed the
value specified by Pr.6-01 due to rapid acceleration or excessive load on the motor.
When this function is enabled, the AC drive will stop accelerating and maintaining a
constant output frequency. The AC drive will only resume acceleration when the current
drops below the maximum value.
d 0
Disable Over-Voltage Prevention
d 350 to d 410
D C b u s v o lta g e
O v e r -v o lta g e
d e te c tio n
le v e l
O u tp u t
F re q .
O v e r-v o lta g e S ta ll P re v e n t io n
disable Over-Current Prevention
d 20 to d 200%
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Call +1(800)985-6929 To Order or Order Online At
If deceleration time is critical for the
tim e
tim e
Factory Setting: d 390
Unit: 1 VAC
Factory Setting: d170
Unit: 1%


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