Maintenance; Periodic Maintenance And Preventive Checks; Disinfection; Cleaning - Ferno ScoopEXL User And Maintenance Manual

Atraumatic stretcher
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ScoopEXL stretcher
7.1 Periodic maintenance and
preventive checks
The stretcher is a medical device requiring regular
maintenance, hence you are recommended to comply with
the following schedule:
* PERIODIC maintenance: the stretcher has to be subjected
to a yearly maintenance operation by Ferno qualified
operations are to be carried out by the user, as specified in
the table below.
Intervals of
Preventive maintenance



If the device undergoes particularly heavy use, checks
should preferably be carried out on a more frequent basis. If
there are signs of wear and damage, discontinue use of the
device and immediately contact Ferno's Technical Support
Ferno directly carries out repair maintenance operations,
without the need of dealers, mechanics or external service
centres. You are thus invited to be wary of those who present
themselves as Ferno's authorised technician.
7.2 Disinfection
1. After each use, clean the surfaces of the stretcher with a
non-abrasive surface disinfectant.
2. Do not immerse the stretcher directly in disinfectant.
3. During disinfection, ensure there are no signs of wear and/
or damage.
4. Dry with a cloth. Ensure that all the components of the
device are completely dry before reusing the device.
It is advisable to wear suitable gloves (e.g. household or
disposable gloves) during disinfection.
© Ferno S.R.L. ScoopEXL - Rel.31102023 - ENG


1) Remove restraints and any other accessory from the
2) Disinfect all equipment (including device accessories
such as cushions, restraints, etc.) with a cloth or sponge
dampened with disinfectant solution, let it sit for 10-20
minutes. Use brushes to rub and clean the least accessible
3) Wipe with a cloth to rinse and dry the treated surfaces,
make sure that all the device components are completely dry
before using them.
4) After cleaning, be sure to replace on the device the
restraints and/or any other accessory that was removed.
Warning: during disinfection, use gloves and the appropriate
PPE according to the risk assessment guide.
Also ensure there are no signs of wear and/or damage.
Disinfectants and detergents containing phenols (if
above the threshold of 2500 ppm), chlorine (bleach)
or iodine-based solutions can cause damage.
Do not use products containing these chemicals.
7.3 Cleaning
To ensure optimal use of the stretcher, it is important to keep
all the components in good conditions and to remove all
traces of dirt, debris and body fluids.
1. Remove the restraints.
2. Wash all components of the product with a cloth or sponge
dampened with detergent solution.
3. If necessary, remove stains with a stiff bristle brush (not
metal), or a light solvent, paying attention to the labels.
4. Use a cloth to rinse and dry the treated surfaces, make
sure that all the device's components are completely dry
before using them.
5. After cleaning, be sure to replace on the device the
restraints and any other accessory that was removed after
cleaning and disinfecting them.
Improper maintenance may cause serious accidents
and/or damage. Perform maintenance as instructed
in this user manual.


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