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Nice E EDGE SI 228 LI ION Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use page 7

Tubular motor


Procedures which can only be completed with a Nice "ERA P" or "ERA W" transmitter with the s, n, t, PRG, ESC keys
• Before starting any programming, move the awning to an intermediate position, away from the Up and Down limit switch-
• If the programming transmitter controls multiple groups of screen motors, before sending a command requested by
the procedure, select the group to which the motor being programmed belongs.
• When the motor is powered up, if it makes 2 movements this means that: at least one transmitter has been memorised
and no limit switch has been programmed; if, on the other hand, it makes 1 movement this means that: no transmitter
has been memorised.
• When running a procedure, you can abort the procedure at any time by pressing ESC (on the back of the transmitter).
• When the Up and Down limit switches are not programmed, the awning can only be commanded in hold-to-run mode -
i.e. you must hold the button down until the awning reaches the desired position. The movement stops when you release
the button in any position.
• When the Up and Down limit switches have been programmed , the awning can be controlled by simply pressing and
releasing the buttons. Doing so starts the movement, which is stopped automatically by the system when the awning
reaches the programmed position.
• All procedures require you to use a transmitter memorised in "Mode I" (e.g., memorised with procedure A.1 or with pro-
cedure A.5.1.A or A.5.1.B).
A.1 - Memorising the FIRST TRANSMITTER (in "Mode I")
• This procedure must be used only for memorising the FIRST TRANSMITTER. If the motor does not complete the procedure, this is because at least one
transmitter has already been memorised; to memorise supplementary transmitters, you must use the procedures described in section A.5.
• If all transmitters memorised in the motor are deleted, the first transmitter you memorise thereafter must be memorised with this procedure.
• If the installation has multiple motors, the procedure must be repeated for each motor separately.
• On completing this procedure, button s will Raise the awning, button t Lower it, and button n Stop the movement.
• If, within the range of the transmitter to be memorised, there are several motors to be powered, to memorise the first transmitter in one of these it is not necessary
to switch off (switch shifted to OFF) all the other motors; simply proceed as follows:
Move the awning to
Shift the switch
a half-way position.
on the head of
the motor to
!!! (x 1)
Select the awning you wish to program and, at the
start of an UP movement, stop it IMMEDIATELY,
by pressing and releasing the button (1 time):
!!! (x 1)
Observe the same awning and, at the start of a
DOWN movement, stop the movement IMMEDI-
ATELY, by pressing and releasing the button (1 time):
= 5 sec
count 1 movement.
Hold down the but-
ton and
the movement will
stop briefly (= com-
mand received) and ...
the movement will
release it after 5
over the next 2 minutes, all motors within the transmit-
ter's range in which no transmitters have yet been memo-
rised will move their awnings up and down, for random pe-
riods of time.
... the awning will resume its up and down movements, each of
random duration.
count 3 movements.
 5
English – 6

