Setting The Flow Control Option - Racal Instruments 1256E Manual

Switching system
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1256E User Manual
Setting the Flow
Control Option
Racal Instruments © 2002
Flow control is a means by which the data terminal (or host
computer acting as a terminal) may pace the flow of data coming
from the 1256 so that the terminal has time to properly receive the
data. It also allows the 1256 to pace commands coming from the
terminal so that the 1256 has sufficient time to execute the
commands as they arrive.
The 1256 provides three flow control options:
XON/XOFF: Software flow control. The RS-232 device that is
receiving data may send an XOFF character (ASCII 19
sending device, commanding the sending device to suspend
data output. Later, when the receiving device is ready for more
data, it may send an XON character (ASCII 17
sending device, indicating that data transmission may be
CTS/RTS: Hardware flow control. The 1256 normally holds
the RS-232 Clear-To-Send (CTS) line in the TRUE state (-12
volts). When the 1256 is receiving data, and needs to have
data transmission suspended, it takes the CTS line to the
FALSE state (+12 volts). When it is ready for more data, it
returns the CTS line to the TRUE state. Similarly, the data
terminal uses the RS-232 Request-To-Send (RTS) line to pace
data coming from the 1256. The data terminal normally holds
the RTS line in the TRUE (-12 volts) state. To suspend data
from the 1256, it takes the RTS signal to the FALSE state (+12
volts). To resume data transfer, the terminal takes the RTS
signal TRUE again.
Disabled: No flow control. If your terminal does not support
flow control, set the 1256 to disable flow control. Note that
sending large blocks of data without flow control may
necessitate a slower baud rate to avoid data overrun problems.

Setting the Flow Control Option

To select the flow control option, or to disable flow control, proceed
as follows:
1. Press the top key. Rotate the knob until the top line reads:
2. Select line 2 (next to top line) by pressing the second key. This
selects line 2:
Type: Display
Option: Format
Status: Decimal
Computer Interfaces 4-19
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) to the


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