Idn? Query; Rst Command - Racal Instruments 1256E Manual

Switching system
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1256E User Manual

*IDN? Query

*RST Command

Racal Instruments © 2002
This query requests the instrument to identify itself. The EMS
responds to this query with the following reply:
Racal Instruments 1256 Switch System,<revision>
This reply indicates the manufacturer of the instrument is Racal
Instruments, that it is a 1256 Switch System, and the current
firmware revision. The firmware revision is a numeric, floating point
value. An example firmware revision is "3.10". A sample is shown
Racal Instruments 1256 Switch System,3.10
The *RST command resets the instrument to its power-on default
state. These settings are shown in Table 5-1 of this manual.
This command does NOT change the value of SCPI Operation or
Questionable status registers or IEEE-488.2 status registers,
condition registers, or enable registers. This command does NOT
clear the error message queue, the input command buffer, or the
output reply buffer.
SCPI Command Basics 5-17


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