Minimum Pump Speed Limit; Maximum Limit (Overpressure); Minimum Limit; Operation At Minimum Limit - Grundfos Hydro 2000 S Installation And Operating Instructions Manual

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3.2.17 Minimum Pump Speed Limit

Operation with PFU 2000 RAM / PMU 2000 Settings:
Minimum pump speed limits the lowest operating point. The value
is set in the setting menu.
The setting range is 0% to 100%.
100% is equal to the performance of one full-size pump.
50% is equal to the performance of one half-size pump.
If the minimum speed setting is higher than 0, the on/off mode is
The default setting is 0.
Operation with PFU 2000 EPROM Settings:
The default setting is 0.
Fig. 21
Minimum Pump Speed Limit
1. Minimum pump speed limit.
2. Operating range.

3.2.18 Maximum Limit (Overpressure)

Operation with PFU 2000 RAM / PMU 2000 Settings:
This setting defines the maximum limit at which the system is to
indicate a fault.
In pressure boosting systems with control parameter "pressure",
it is overpressure.
The setting range is from 0 to the maximum value of the transmit-
ter measuring range (display 228). If the value is set to the maxi-
mum of the measuring range, no fault will be indicated.
The default setting in the PMU 2000 is the maximum value of the
measuring range – 1 digit.
Operation with PFU 2000 EPROM Settings:
The default setting is the maximum value of the transmitter meas-
uring range – 1 digit.
For further information, see section
7.3.3 Maximum Limit of Actual Value.
Fig. 22
Maximum Limit
Max. limit

3.2.19 Minimum Limit

Operation with PFU 2000 RAM / PMU 2000 Settings:
This setting defines the minimum limit at which the system is to
indicate a fault.
Examples of application: Elimination of operation in unintended
operating points. Detection of pipe bursts.
The setting range is from 0 to the maximum value of the transmit-
ter measuring range (display 229). If the value is set to 0, no fault
will be indicated.
The default setting is 0.
Operation with PFU 2000 EPROM Settings:
The default setting is 0.
For further information, see section,
7.3.4 Minimum Limit of Actual Value.
Fig. 23
Minimum Limit
Min. limit

3.2.20 Operation at Minimum Limit

Operation with PFU 2000 RAM / PMU 2000 Settings:
If this function is set to "on" (display 230), no pumps will be
switched off at "min.limit operation", but a fault is indicated.
If this function is set to "off" (display 230), the pump/pumps is/are
switched off at "min.limit operation" and a fault is indicated.
The default setting is "on".

3.2.21 Minimum Pre-Pressure

Operation with PFU 2000 RAM / PMU 2000 Settings:
If pre-pressure measuring is set to "on" (display 216), the setting
of minimum pre-pressure (display 231) defines the value for the
water shortage fault indication.
The default setting is 0.
Operation with PFU 2000 EPROM Settings:
The default setting is 5% of the transmitter measuring range.

3.3 Pump Parameters

Operation with PFU 2000 RAM / PMU 2000 Settings:
These settings are only possible on service code level.
The control functions take "maximum head" and "start time" for
each pump into account.
The operating hours are counted.
The settings are listed in the "List of Control Parameters".


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