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Salicru EQUINOX EQX2-4002-T Quick Manual page 68

Zero feed-in and 24h monitoring (optional) solar inverters


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Information provided by the "Historical" tab:
This tab is divided into 4 sections: "Installation output",
"Energy generated comparison", "Financial savings", and
"Environmental impact".
Information provided by the "Info" tab:
This tab shows the information entered when the installation was created. The fields can be modified by tapping on the "properties"
button [ ] to the right of the installation name and then pressing the "Edit" button in the drop-down menu.
For example, if the utility company changes its electricity tariffs, you will need to edit the kWh price.
In the "Installation output" section, you can view the data for "Today",
"Day", and "Month". Under the "Today" tab, a graph shows the real-
time current generation, consumption and self-consumption data,
while the "Day" tab shows the accumulated values from the real-time
graph. And under the "Month" tab, the total values of the previous
The graph uses the same colour code as the overview diagram: red
indicates energy consumed from the grid. Green indicates energy
generated by the solar panels. Blue indicates self-consumption:
consumption that has been supplied by the photovoltaic panels rather
than the grid.
Tapping and separating two fingers on the screen zooms in on the
graphic. Conversely, bringing the two fingers together zooms back out.
The different graphs can be hidden or displayed by tapping on the
"Generation", "Consumption", and "Self-consumption" buttons.
In the "Energy generated comparison" section, you can view the data
grouped by months or years. This example shows the monthly output
of an installation that was created in May 2018. The information is
provided until August 2020.
By comparing the yearly and monthly output of your photovoltaic
installation, you can identify problems and monitor the level of
deterioration of the panels.
In the "Financial savings" section, graphs depict the estimated
"Savings through generation" (amount obtained by multiplying the
generation by the price of a kWh consumed) and the "Simplified
compensation" (amount obtained by multiplying the generated energy
fed into the grid by the price paid for each exported kWh).
In the "Environmental impact" section, you can find the savings in CO
emissions and their equivalent in trees planted.
In a conventional installation, each kWh generated using fossil fuels
produces greenhouse gas emissions. Collectively known as a "carbon
footprint", these gases are converted to their equivalent value in
carbon dioxide (CO
). Thus, the value shown is the CO
an equivalent fossil fuel system would have produced to generate the
energy that the system (installation) has generated using renewable
Trees, for their part, absorb CO
and are used in multiple reforestation
projects worldwide to counteract CO
energy sources, you are helping to reduce the level of CO
have to absorb. The number shown represents the number of new
trees that would be planted.
emissions that
levels. By using renewable
that trees

