Table of Contents


Security page

On the security page, you can set several fea-
tures regarding device readouts and operation.
UpCon English Manual (2014-10-07)
Sticky Clip button
Click the Sticky Clip button to activate or deacti-
vate the Sticky Clip feature.
When the Sticky Clip feature is activated (button
highlighted) and clock errors or clippings are de-
tected in a device, the red and yellow warning in-
dicators will remain lit until the user presses "Re-
set Clip" button. This feature ensures that clock
errors or clippings do not go unnoticed.
Lock Device UI button
Click the Lock Device UI button to lock or unlock
the user interfaces of the devices controlled by
the TC Icon software.
When the Lock Device UI feature is activated
(button highlighted), the user will be able to see
the settings of the currently selected device, but
he cannot change them. This will be indicated by
a semi-transparent overlay and a "Device UI is
locked" message on all device-related screens.
Icon Setup


Table of Contents

Table of Contents