ABB DPU 1500R Instruction Book page 66

Distribution protection unit
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ABB Distribution Protection Unit 1500R
The monitoring screens periodically poll the relay for data. Select the Monitoring screen whose data you wish to view.
Each menu item presents a separate window from which you can view the data as it updates.
To differentiate groups of data, numeric values are shown in differing colors.
To close a Monitoring window, click the "X" in the upper right corner of that window.
Figure 11
NOTE: You must be online with the relay (either via Direct Access or Remote Access) in order to monitor data "live" from
the relay.
From the Settings Menu, you can perform the following functions on one or more tabbed sheets: (Figure 12)
1. Upload from the System - load data into the WinECP program from the relay.
2. Download to the System - load data from the WinECP program to the relay.
3. Save File - save existing data in the WinECP program to a file on your hard drive.
4. Read File - read data into the current Settings sheets from a file on your hard drive.
5. Print - print selected Settings sheets.
Select All/Remove All
From the Settings tab sheet, you can choose to Select All settings if you wish to perform any of the above functions on
all or several tabbed sheets.
From the Settings tabbed sheet, click the Select All button. Note that a checkmark is placed in each box on the tabbed
sheet. This indicates which data settings you wish to manipulate.
To clear all the checkmarks from the Settings tabbed sheet, click Remove All. Note that all checkmarks are cleared.
You can select or deselect individual settings by clicking once on the checkbox next to the specific setting you wish to
Interfacing with the Relay


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