Targets - ABB DPU 1500R Instruction Book

Distribution protection unit
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Twelve Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) called "targets" are provided on the front panel of the DPU1500R for indication of
DPU1500R health, overcurrent pickup (current exceeds setting), recloser status, and fault type. Two types of targets
called "sealed-in" and "non-sealed in" are available.
Sealed-in targets will remain on even after the condition that has turned them on has been cleared. These type of
targets can be reset by depressing the "C" key on the Man-Machine Interface (MMI) twice or by pressing the recessed
front panel "Target Reset" pushbutton. The target display can be set to "Last" or "All". If they are set to "Last", the latest
targets acquired will replace any preceding target information. If set to "All", the all target information is displayed until
the Targets a reset. This setting is made in the "Configurations Settings" menu (see Man-Machine Interface Section).
Non sealed in targets remain lit only for the time when the condition is present.
The targets and their functionality are listed below.
Normal: Indicates DPU1500R is in normal operating state. If the DPU1500R detects an internal failure the LED
will turn off and the Fail LED will turn on. The Normal LED will flash when a logical input or output has been forced
to an on or off state. The flashing indicate that the DPU1500R is healthy but is in an abnormal operating state (see
Operations Menu in Section 8). The Normal LED is a Green non sealed in target.
Fail: Indicates that the DPU1500R has determined a self test failure. The LCD display (if applicable) may indicate
an error code at this point. See the Self Testing section for details on error codes. When the Fail LED is lit the unit
will usually require service. The Self Check alarm contacts on the rear of the unit will also change state anytime
that the Fail LED is lit. The Fail LED is a red non sealed in target.
Pickup: The LED will light for a condition where the input current has exceeded the pickup setting of any of the
overcurrent elements (51P, 51N, 50P-1, 50P-2, 50P-3, 50N-1, 50N-2, 50N-3, 46). The Pickup LED is a red non
sealed in target.
Recloser Out: Indicates that the reclosing function contained in the DPU1500R is disabled. This LED will light
when the logical input 43A is disabled or 79-1 is set to lockout. See the "Recloser" Section for more details. The
Recloser Out LED is a red non sealed in target.
φA, φB, φC, N: Indicates the phase or phases faulted. These targets will light after the relay has tripped for a fault.
These LED's are all red sealed in targets.
Time: Indicates that a time overcurrent trip has occurred. The time overcurrent elements 51P, 51N, and 46 when
tripped will activate the Time target. The Time LED is a red sealed in target.
Instantaneous: Indicates that an instantaneous overcurrent trip has occurred. The instantaneous overcurrent
elements 50P-1, 50P-2, 50P-3, 50N-1, 50N-2, and 50N-3 when tripped will activate the Instantaneous target. The
Instantaneous LED is a red sealed in target.
Negative Sequence: Indicates that a negative sequence trip has occurred. The negative sequence element 46
when tripped will activate the Negative Sequence target. The Negative Sequence LED is a red sealed in target.
Interfacing with the Relay
ABB Distribution Protection Unit 1500R


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