Apply Modulation - 1010music Toolbox v 1.1.4 User Manual

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Apply Modulation

Modulation is another way that you can alter your sequences using internal or external inputs. Many of the cell
parameters can be modulation targets. These targets can have their values altered by modulation sources. The
available modulation sources are:
CV Modulation inputs (EXT1, EXT2, and EXT3),
LFO cells which are aligned with CV Outputs 5 through 8 (LFO1, LFO2, LFO3, LFO4)
SEQ cells which are aligned with CV Outputs 5 through 8 (SEQ1, SEQ2, SEQ3, SEQ4)
GATE, NOTE, CREC, CPLY and OUT cells may not be used as modulation sources.
Only the cells in the column in line with CV Mod 5 through 8 may be used as modulation sources.
Toolbox always displays the same list of modulation sources even if there is no such cell configured (e.g.
LFO4 is still listed if there is no LFO4 in this preset). If you select a modulation source that is not available,
the parameter will not be modulated until that modulation source is configured.
The following parameters are
Sound Element
Gate Sequencer
Step Len
Gate Sequencer
Step Count
Note Sequencer
Note Sequencer
Step Count
Note Sequencer
Low Frequency
Low Frequency
CV Sequencer
Step Len
CV Sequencer
Step Count
CV Sample
CV Sample
Play Rate
CV Sample
CV Sample
CV Sample
CV Sample
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Modulation Targets
Example usage
Use an external input to make the playback of the Gate Sequence alternate
between full speed and half speed.
Use an external input to change the number of steps
Use an LFO square wave to change the rhythm of a sequencer between
two different durations.
Use an LFO to adjust the number of steps to add variation.
Use an LFO to add movement to the pitch and variety to the sequence.
Use an SEQ to change the depth of the sine wave every 8 steps.
Use another LFO to gradually change the cycle rate of this LFO.
Use another SEQ to gradually change the playback speed of this sequence
by gradually adjusting the Step Length.
Use a random signal from an EXT to randomly adjust the number of steps
played from the sequence
Use an SEQ to control the amplitude of the CV signal over time.
Use EXT1 to speed up or slow down the playback of the recorded CV
Use an SEQ to move the start position within the WAV file over time to
create a variation in the sound.
Use an SEQ to adjust the length of the loop played over time to create a
stutter effect
Use two SEQs to adjust the loop start and end points to alternate playback
between two different sections of the sample.
Use two SEQs to adjust the loop start and end points to alternate playback
between two different sections of the sample.
Digital Heart – Analog Soul
Toolbox User Manual
Copyright 1010music LLC 2017


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