1010music Toolbox v 1.1.4 User Manual page 24

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When Loop Mode is None,
how long the sample will
play past the value of the
Start parameter.
Expressed in samples.
Point where the looping
will end when playing
forwards, or looping will
begin when playing in
reverse. Expressed in
samples. Must be after or
equal to LpStr.
Controls whether the WAV
file plays in a loop, and the
direction of the loop.
When looping is enabled, if
you have the Launch Mode
set to Trigger, looping
will happen for the duration
of the Release phase of the
If you have the Launch
Mode set to Gate, looping
plays through the gate
pulse and the release time.
If you have the Launch
Mode set to Toggle,
looping starts to play when
the initial pulse is received
and continues until the
terminating toggle pulse is
If Loop Mode is Bidirect,
and Rev is ON, play back
will start from the end of
the sample, and then loop
as described, but starting
with the Loop End to Loop
Start pass.
You can also set the values for Start, LpStr, Len, and LpEnd from the CPLY Wave screen. When viewing the
waveform, the pink frame on the large waveform represents the Start and Len parameters. You can move these end
points by turning the top two Control Knobs. If Loop Mode is set to Forward or Bidirect, you will also see a white
frame within the pink frame that defines the Loop Start and Loop End points. Use the bottom two Control Knobs to
adjust these end points. The corresponding values for the end points are displayed above and below the large
waveform. The sensitivity of the Control Knobs depends on the Zoom level. Zoom out to make big adjustments then
zoom in to make fine adjustments. You can use a pinch gesture with two fingers on the touch screen to zoom in or
P. 24
6/13/18 7:54 PM
number of samples in
0 to
the file
number of
LpStr to
samples in the file
Plays once from the
value assigned to the Start
parameter through the value
assigned to the
Plays from the
value assigned to the Start
parameter through the value
assigned to the Loop End
Parameter, then jumps back to
the value of the Loop Start
parameter. Play continues to
loop between Loop Start and
Loop End for the duration of
the note.
Works similarly
to forward, but loop playback
proceeds from Loop Start to
Loop End then backwards to
Loop Start. It then repeats the
looping back and forth.
Digital Heart – Analog Soul
Toolbox User Manual
Figure 2 3 : CP ly
P arameters Sc reen 3
Copyright 1010music LLC 2017


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