Sending A Message - UTC UDI-14 User Manual

Lcd and oled versions
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NOTE: Each network contains its own list of users and of preset text messages.
Messages and users can be updated using the PC connection for the active network only.
To enter the Message menu:
From the Main menu, select Messages and press Enter.
To exit the Messages menu and return to the Main menu, select Main, and press Enter.

Sending a message

The UDI-14™ unit can sent one of the 13 preset text messages to other UDI-14™ users.
To send a text message:
1. In the Messages menu, select
New Message, then click
2. In the Message list, choose a
message by scrolling with the
Up/Down buttons.
Click Enter.
3. In the Messages menu, User
to Send is selected.
Click Enter
4. In the Send To menu, choose
a user by scrolling with the
Up/Down buttons.
Click Enter.
5. In the Messages menu, Send
is selected.
6. Click Enter. The message is
sent. You are automatically
returned to the Main menu.
3. Boat above you !


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