Flash Bios Programming Utility - Acorp 4D533 User Manual

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Updating the Award BIOS Code is made easy with the AWDFLASH Utility found under the
Utilities folder of the supplied CD-ROM. Since this mainboard features FLASH BIOS, it is not
necessary to change the actual BIOS chip in order to upgrade the System BIOS. The user can
simply re-program the old BIOS using
the AWDFLASH Utility as follows:
1. First, boot the system with DOS or to Safe mode command prompt only under Windows
95/98. If you are booting DOS from a hard drive or floppy disk, press [F5] when the message
Starting MS-DOS appears on the screen. If you are booting Windows 95/98, press the [F8] key,
and select the Safe mode command prompt only option. This will assure that the system is
running in real mode with no device drivers loaded. This is the only correct way to run the
AWDFLASH Utility program.
2. There are (2) important files needed to re-program the BIOS. The first is AWDFLASH.EXE
which is the FLASH BIOS Programming Utility. The second file needed is the updated BIN file
which contains the actual BIOS code. This file will have the extension [.bin], such as
P598GH.BIN . Make sure these files are on the
diskette or hard drive in the same directory.
3. Start the AWDFLASH Utility by changing to the directory where the two required files exist,
typing: AWDFLASH and pressing [ENTER].
4. The AWDFLASH Utility Screen appears. You will be asked for the file name to program.
Type in the name of the new BIOS (.bin) file and hit [ENTER].
User's Manual


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