Ba Ck U; Dual Dom (N12000 Series/N16000 Series/N8900 Series Only) - Thecus N8900 series User Manual

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Aut o M odule Sour ce List
I t e m
I nst alled
Nam e
Descript ion
Locat ion
Docum ent
Act ion
Aft er clicking on " Act ion" t o inst all a m odule, t he m odule will becom e available
under t he list of Module I nst allat ion. Please go t o Module inst allat ion and click
" Enable" t o act ivat e t he m odule.
Ther e ar e a num ber of ways t o back up dat a wit h t he Thecus I P st orage.

Dual DOM (N12000 series/N16000 series/N8900 series only)

The unique Dual DOM feat ure can now perform " Aut o Repair" . The Thecus NAS will
backup up t o five v er sions of t he sy st em configurat ion eit her by t he default t im ing
of 1: 00am ev ery day aut om at ically or as scheduled by t he user.
This unique " Aut o Repair" will be t riggered if t he prim ary DOM has a boot ing issue.
I n t his inst ance, t he 2
aut om at ically load t he m ost recent sy st em configurat ion backup im age t o repair
t he prim ary DOM.
D e scr ipt ion
St at us of m odule
Module nam e
The version of t he released m odule
The descript ion of t he m odule
The m odule is eit her locat ed on- line or disk
The available docum ent at ion of t he m odule
To inst all or delet e m odule.
p.s. I f t he m odule list from on- line, t hen no delet e opt ion will
be available
Click t o rescan from bot h on- line and disk
DOM will t ake over t he boot funct ion. Then, t he syst em will

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