Email Notification For Externally Triggered Muting And Warning Relays - Meyer Sound RMServer Hardware Manual

Hardware component of a compass rms remote monitoring system
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Compass RMS supports email notification for external mut-
ing and external warning relays.
To configure email notifications:
1. Access RMServer's web server page as described in
"Accessing the RMServer Web Server" on page 12.
2. On the Basic Settings tab, the Email Notification section
displays the currently specified destination email
addresses for notifications.
Figure 7: Email Notification section of the Basic Settings page of
RMServer's web server.
3. To setup or change the events that trigger email notifica-
tions and the email server and address configurations,
click the Setup button in the Email Notification section to
open the Edit Email Notification dialog.
4. In the Edit Email Notification dialog, enter one or more
destination emaill addresses in the Send To: field. Email
addresses should be separated by commas.
5. Enter your email server information in the SMTP Server
section of the dialog. Check the SMTP Server Requires
Authentication box to enable the Encryption Type,
Username, and Password fields.
6. Click the Send Test Email button at the bottom of the
dialog to verify the connection to your email server. If
necessary, contact your system administrator to resolve
any issues.
7. Check the When external muting is triggered and/or
the When external relays are triggered boxes to spec-
ify the events that will trigger email notifications.
Figure 8: Edit Email Notification dialog of RMServer's web server.
8. Choose a minimum interval for email notifications from
the Alarms no more than once every drop-down menu
in the Intervals section of the dialog.
9. Click Save to close the Edit Email Notification dialog and
save your changes.
10. When the Changes Saved dialog appears, click the
Restart Now button to restart RMServer. Restarting
takes about 30 seconds to complete.
The RMServer web server may not
return to the login page when restarting is
complete. If you do not see the login page by 30 sec-
onds after initiating restart, access the web server
again from your browser and it will appear (assuming
restarting is completed).

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