Fichtelbahn ReadyServoTurn Manual page 2

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What is a ReadyServoTurn for?
The ReadyServoTurn is an accessory decoder that is operated by the BiDiBus and pro-
vides servo outputs, relay outputs and inputs for the model railway layout.
Please notice:
The ReadyServoTurn cannot be controlled by digital command stations that only
send digital turnout commands to the accessory decoders (e.g. DCC format).
The ReadyServoTurn requires the BiDiBus for operation.
The ReadyServoTurn allows the position and speed of each servo output to be set.
With the help of the relays, the frogs or switch blades can also be polarised.
Servo turnouts
Servo turnouts with polarisation
Semaphore signals with lighting
Barrier crossing with St. Andrew's cross
Double slip switch / three-way turnout
Online Documentation
Nowadays, printed manuals can become outdated very quickly.
The most recent version of this manual can be found in the download section of the
FichtelBahn webpage. The version number in the footer will shows the current version.
New functions und additions are always published in the online version on the
webpage first.
Further information on this product can be found also in the BiDiB-Wiki on (Until now unfortunately mainly in German)
Manual ReadyServoTurn
Manual Version 1.0
4 turnouts
4 servo turnouts with polarisation
4 semaphore signals
2 level crossings
2 Multi-way turnouts
Page 2
© 2022 FichtelBahn®
Technical changes and errors reserved


Table of Contents

Table of Contents