NAPCO Gemini GEM-P1632 Programming Instructions Manual page 49

Global panel communicator
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WI897B 8/98
Page 49
Alarm Outputs
In UL installations, (1) see Time Selection for timeout requirements; (2) combination residential burglary/fire systems require distinctly
different signals for burglary and fire.
NOTE: For dry contacts, use RB1000 Relay Module (see Wiring Diagram).
Alarm; Alarm Restore Telco 1/Telco 3 See Report Telco 1/Telco 3
Alarm; Alarm Restore Telco 2 See Backup Report on Telco 2
Alarm Verification (Not for use in California.)
An alarm on any Fire Zone programmed for "Fire Alarm Verification" will cause all fire zones to be powered down for 12 seconds. (All
devices must be wired with + power on Terminal 25.) After this time, power is restored and a 4-second power-up time is started.
Thereafter, the zone will be active again. This represents a total processing delay of 16 seconds from the time the alarm is first
detected. If an alarm condition still exists at this time or reoccurs within 2 minutes, an alarm will be initiated, otherwise the zone will
return to its original state. NOTE: A zone programmed for "Fire Alarm Verification" must be programmed as a "Fire Zone" as well.
Ambush (Keypad Ambush)
A 2-digit code that is entered immediately prior to (and as part of) the regular Disarm Code. This will cause a silent report to be sent to
a central station. Thus, should a user be forced to disarm, he can silently signal an emergency while appearing to be merely disarming
the system. The Ambush Zone will automatically report when programmed to report on alarm.
To program , (a) select "Ambush to Report Event Telco 1/Telco 3" (Address 0475, 0477, 0483, 0485); (b) select "Enable Global
Ambush Code" (Address 0720); enter "Global Ambush Code" (Address 1054); and (d) enter an "Ambush CS Report Code" (0340).
Each keypad is enabled for "Ambush" individually (Address 0730-0736). Inform the user what the Ambush Code is, and that his
Arm/Disarm Code must be entered less than 10 seconds after the Ambush Code for an ambush report to be sent.
Answering Machine Pickup Without Line Seizure See Callback-Method Download.
Anti-Jam Time
If the communicator does not detect a dial tone within 12 seconds, the Anti-Jam feature will be activated. That is, the communicator will
go off line for a 16-second anti-jam interval in order to free the telephone circuit from an incoming call, then make another 12-second
attempt at dial-tone detection. If still unsuccessful, the communicator will again go off line for 16 seconds, then proceed to dial anyway.
Areas; Zone Area 1–Zone Area 2; Priority Area Arming
Although the default program will automatically set up Zones 1 through 8 for Zone Area 1, the panel may be partitioned into two areas.
Every zone must be assigned to at least one area (Address 0526, 0527, 0581, 0582, 0636, 0637, 0691, 0692) to be used. At least one
zone must be assigned to Area 1. If a zone is selected for both areas, that common zone will not arm until both areas are armed. If any
zone disarms, the common zone will disarm.
In a multiple-area system, be sure to also enable User Codes by Area.
Keypad Area Assignments
Bell Control (determines which bells an area may silence);
Subscriber Opening/Closing ID Numbers and Event ID Numbers (if reporting);
System Trouble Subscriber ID Number
If "Priority Area Arming" (Address 0743 & 0744) is selected, the Priority Area must be armed before the Arming Area can be armed.
Auto Bell Test on Arming (Required for UL Mercantile installations)
If selected (Address 0719), this will activate the Burglary Output briefly 10 seconds after the area is armed. If the alarm does not
sound, the device may be defective.
Auto-Bypass (Do not program for UL installations.); Auto-Bypass Re-entry
Zones programmed for "Auto-Bypass" (Address 0493, 0548, 0603, 0658) will be bypassed (automatically removed) if in trouble when
arming. A momentary beep will sound at the keypad to warn that the system has been armed without the protection of the auto-
bypassed zone. (Note that the exit/entry door must be closed before arming, otherwise the Exit/Entry Zone will be auto-bypassed.)
Note: A zone in trouble that is not programmed for "Auto-Bypass" will cause an alarm on arming after a 10-second arming delay.
If "Auto-Bypass Re-entry" (Address 0496, 0551, 0606, 0661) is selected, securing a zone that is programmed for Auto-Bypass, while
armed, will cause that zone to re-enter the system in an armed state.
Auto Interior Bypass See Interior Zones by Area
NAPCO Security Systems
GEM-P1632 Programming Instructions

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