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Otto Bock Dyneva Information For Patients page 12

Degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis


Exercises you can
do at home
Your doctor will prescribe a treatment
plan to suit your particular back problem.
You can also strengthen your back by
supplementing this treatment with the
following exercises, which you can do at
home after consulting with your doctor.
Remember to breathe regularly and evenly during each
exercise. Avoid holding your breath. Stop immediately if
any movement causes pain. Some of the exercises are
designed to strengthen your abdominal muscles, as strong
abdominal muscles are always a prerequisite to a strong
back. Just 5–10 minutes of exercise every day can have a
positive effect on your musculoskeletal system. Enjoy the
workout – it won't be long before you notice the results!
Principles of training:
Do these exercises only after consulting your doctor or 
physical therapist.
Integrate the exercises into your daily routine.
Observe the recommended time limits.
None of the exercises should cause pain or other  
If anything is unclear, ask your doctor or physiotherapist.
12  Ottobock | Your back in focus
Exercise 1: Bending exercise
Lie on your back and draw both 
knees up towards your abdomen. 
With your hands holding your 
thighs behind the knees, pull your 
knees as far as possible towards 
your chin. 
Hold this position for around 15 
seconds and then return to your 
starting position. Take a short 
break, then repeat this exercise 
three times. 

