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Otto Bock Dyneva Information For Patients page 13

Degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis


Exercise 2: Bending exercise
Lie on your back and place your legs 
on a chair or stool with your knees at 
a right angle. Make sure your knees 
are not touching. Lift your head and 
shoulders slightly off the floor and 
press both hands against your thighs 
for around five seconds. Don't  
forget to keep breathing regularly 
and evenly despite the effort this 
requires. Briefly lower your head  
and shoulders to the floor. Repeat 
this exercise 10 times.
Exercise 3: Strengthening your
abdominal muscles
Lie on your back and place your legs on 
a chair or stool with your knees at a right 
angle. Rest your arms on the floor to the 
sides of your body. Breathe in, drawing 
in your navel and pressing your lower 
back to the floor. Now breathe out and 
lift your head and rib cage so that your 
shoulder blades are off the floor and your 
arms are lifted. Breathe in and hold this 
position for a few seconds. Then, while 
breathing out, roll your upper body 
down, vertebra by vertebra. 
Exercise 4: Relaxing and stretch-
ing your back muscles
Sit on a stool with  
your knees slightly apart. Now draw 
your navel in, curving your back and 
slowly bending forward until your 
forehead touches your knees. Now 
bring your arms forwards, placing 
them lightly on your feet, and feel the 
stretch. Breathe in and out deeply six 
times. Finally, roll your upper body 
up, vertebra by vertebra, until you are 
sitting upright. 
Your back in focus | Ottobock  13

