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Treatment Options - Otto Bock Dyneva Information For Patients

Degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis


Treatment options

What are the treatment options?
As the disease progresses, a variety of treat ment
options aim to alleviate symptoms first and fore-
most and – as far as possible – address the causes
as well. These range from manual therapy (physi-
otherapy), progressing to painkillers, to longer-
term solutions such as wearing an orthosis.
Usually, this will relieve pain to start with, but none
of these treatment options can reverse the bone
defects in the long term. However, innovative
developments such as the Dyneva can promote
stretching and strengthening of the stressed back
muscles, resulting in increased activity.
Treatment options in more severe cases
When standard methods fail to relieve pain, or if
additional symptoms occur – such as numbness in
the legs, or bowel or bladder problems – your
doctor will often recommend surgery.
However, if the symptoms are less severe or you are
reluctant to resort to surgery, specialised orthoses
can provided targeted support in day-to-day life.
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