Figure 4-14: Gain Level Controls; Figure 4-15: Gamma Level; Figure 4-16: Red, Green, Blue Gamma Levels - evertz 2431RX-2 Instruction Manual

Dual path serial digital to dvi converter
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B Offset:
Ranges from –200 to 200 quantization levels in 1 level increments.
Gamma Level
With this control, the user can adjust the overall Gamma correction factor from - 128 to + 127 in
increments of 1.
Gamma Level:
Red, Green, Blue Gamma Levels
With these controls, the user can individually adjust the Red, Green, and Blue Gamma levels from
– 128 to + 127 in increments of 1.
Red Gamma Level:
Green Gamma Level:
Blue Gamma Level:
RGB Limiter
The RGB Clip parameters control RGB clipping/colour legalization process. When set to enable,
the module will clip any illegal levels of R, G, and B (individually) to their respective Black and
White Levels. If disabled, then the illegal values are passed unmodified.
RGB Lower Limit:
RGB Upper Limit:

Figure 4-14: Gain Level Controls

Ranges from –128 to 127 in 1 level increments.

Figure 4-15: Gamma Level

Ranges from –128 to 127 in 1 level increments.
Ranges from –128 to 127 in 1 level increments.
Ranges from –128 to 127 in 1 level increments.

Figure 4-16: Red, Green, Blue Gamma Levels

Ranges from 0 to 1023 in 1 level increments.
Ranges from 0 to 1023 in 1 level increments.
Revision 1.0
Dual Path Serial Digital to DVI Converter
Page - 19


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