Vecow RMS-1000 User Manual page 60

Intel core i7/i5/i3 soc whiskey lake 1u rackmount fanless computing system, 8 gige lan w/6 x-coded m12, 4 10g usb, ignition control, -40 degrees c to 70 degrees c
Table of Contents


APPENDIX B : Software Functions
B.1 Driver API Guide
In Runtime folder, on SPC5K.h :
_DLL_IMPORT_ definition is used on LoadLibrary API for SPC5K.dll.
SPC5K_EXPORTS definition is used on SPC5K.dll building.
BOOL Initial (BYTE Isolate_Type, BYTE DIO_NPN)
Initial machine for DIO, watchdog timer, and POE
Isolate_Type : DIO type
1 : Isolated DIO;
0 : Non-Isolated DIO
DIO_NPN : DI/DO type
1 : PNP (Source) mode for European rule;
0 : NPN (Sink) mode for Japanese rule
Return :
TRUE (1) : Success;
FALSE (0) : Fail (Driver not exists, or initial error (version is too old, or
machine not match))
BOOL GetDIO1Config (BYTE *Isolate_Type, BYTE *DI_NPN, BYTE *DO_
NPN, WORD *Mask)
Get DIO configuration (by variable)
Isolate_Type : DIO type
1 : Isolated DIO;
0 : Non-Isolated DIO
DI_NPN ([7:0]) : DI type, pin setting by hexadecimal bitmask
1 : PNP (Source) mode for European rule;
0 : NPN (Sink) mode for Japanese rule
DO_NPN : DO type
1 : PNP (Source) mode for European rule;
0 : NPN (Sink) mode for Japanese rule
Mask ([15:0]) : In/Out, pin setting by hexadecimal bitmask
1 : Output;
0 : Input
Return :
TRUE (1) : Success;
FALSE (0) : Fail (Initial error, or call by pointer error, or hardware problem)
©Vecow RMS-1000 User Manual
Appendix B


Table of Contents

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