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The main workflow for toolbox is to configure sequence and CV generator cells, record sequences, and then automate playback
of sequences in Song sections. Then you can playback song sections while further editing your sequences. You use Presets to
save and reload your work. All of this assumes you have connected the outputs of Toolbox to external modules that will
generate sound.
On the Main screen, pick a cell and assign it a cell type. Enter some notes or configure the parameters of a CV generator
to generate a sequence. Connect the outputs that map to that cell to a sound generating module. Repeat to create more
sequences on other layers or in other cells.
Configure modulation to alter pattern length, step size, and transposition to get maximum use out of a single pattern.
Play around with various combinations of sequences playing by activating and deactivating cells and switching layers.
When you find a combination you like, turn on song mode and record yourself activating and deactivating sequences and
changing layers into a song section.
Now find a new combination of sequences and record them into a second song section. Keep in mind that any changes
you make to sequences will affect the previously recorded song sections that also use that sequence.
Continue to create more song sections and change the order of sections to suit your needs.
On the Pset screen, save your work and start a new creation.
Song sections are a nice way to sequence your sequences, but you don't have to use them. You can get creative just making sequences
and configuring CV generators.
5/5/2021 4:50:00 PM
Copyright 1010music LLC 2021
Toolbox User Manual v 2.1.2
P. 8


Table of Contents

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