Dataman S4 Manual page 44

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in S4's RAM. If the area of memory which is
intended for emulation
has been loaded at a higher address, then it must
be moved (or swapped)
to location zero, for emulation to work.
The pins of the EMULead are routed to the RAM
memory through buffers. When
address 00000 and the Chip-Select and Output
Enable signals are applied,
the data on address 00000 of the RAM appears on
the databus. PAGED
addressing, as in EPROMS like 27513 other than
PAGE 0, is not supported.
<MI>It is a frequent complaint that S4 will not
emulate, when the
user has loaded say, a 2764 at location 0E000-
0FFFF, because that
is where it is addressed in his prototype. A PROM
does not know where
it is in addressing space, and neither does S4 when
emulating, because the
decoding is in the target system. In this particular
case it would
be necessary to move the code from 0E000 to
00000 before emulating.
Benefits of memory emulation .
1. It is universal. You can use it with any
2. The equipment costs less than a Microprocessor
Develoment System. The
only other piece of kit you need is a computer and
a cross-assembler.
3. The target system behaves like the "real thing".


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