Managing Users - Option Audio GlobeSurfer 3G Reference Manual

802.11b/g wireless router and internet gateway
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6.8 Managing Users

To access the list of defined remote users, click the Users icon from the Advanced
screen. The Users table will be displayed.
You can add, edit and delete users allowed to access the GlobeSurfer 3G and
your local network by managing the user table as described in Section 2.5. To
add a new user click New user in the table and specify the following parameters:
• Full name: The remote user's full name.
• Username: The name the remote user will use to access your local net-
• New password: Type a new password for the remote user. If you do not
want to assign a password to the remote user leave this field empty.
• Retype new password: If a new password was assigned, type it again to
verify correctness.
• Permissions: Select the remote user's privileges on your local network.
– Administrator privileges: Grants remote system setting modifica-
tion via the web-based management console or telnet.
– Remote access by PPTP: Grants access with no system modification
– SMS access only: Grants access to the SMS manager only, for exam-
ple to send and read SMS messages. Other parts of the management
console will be hidden and can not be accessed.
Figure 6.19: User table


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