Trim And Sub Trim Operation - Ko Propo EX-1 ASF Instruction Manual

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●Trim and Sub Trim Operation
The sub trim is a convenient feature but it could also complicate the setting process if used incorrectly. Use the sub trim in the
correct manner while also referring to the sub trim operation instructions on p.19 and p.24.
[Purpose of the Trim]
When a servo is to be mounted onto a model, it is usually connected to
the receiver temporarily to enable the transmitter to check its neutral
position before it is installed. However, upon running the model it is often
the case that it does not run in a straight line and the steering servo's
neutral position has to be readjusted. This adjustment function is known
as the "trim," but trim adjustment is not only done at the beginning,
but it also must be done during model operation to account for factors
such as tire wear and chassis warp. However, using the normal trim to
make these intermediary adjustments could cause other problems. In
the case of the steering trim, it could lead to different turning radii for
the left and right wheels. For throttle trims on glow engine cars, the point
of maximum braking, the full open position of the carburetor, etc. would
be shifted. For this reason, the normal trims are designated as "center
trims" that only adjust the neutral position, while a new function called
sub trim is used in conjunction to enable the most optimal settings.
[Purpose of the Sub Trim]
The effect of the sub trim is illustrated in the image on the right.
Adjusting the sub trim also moves the left/right angle range. In contrast,
the center trim moves the neutral position without changing the angle
range position. However, trying to compensate the neutral position while
making large sub trim adjustments may throw off the model's left/right
[Actual Setting Sequence]
When installing R/C equipment, the servo's neutral position is set
first, then final adjustments would be made with the sub trim after
installation. However, if the sub trim setting value is high, adjust the
neutral position again.
Test run to confirm neutral position. Adjustments during this time
should also be made with the sub trim. After neutral position is fixed,
adjust steering balance (p.21) so that the left and right wheels have
the same turning radius and use steering travel (p.18) to adjust overall
steering angle.
During the course of practice or racing, use the center trim to correct
slight changes to the neutral position. If the setting value becomes
high, correct in conjunction with the sub trim so that the center trim
value is zero.
Use the sub trim to adjust settings prior to driving instead of the center trim.
Install R/C equipment when the sub trim setting value becomes low.
If the neutral position becomes slightly off during driving, use center trim to correct.
●Trim (Center Trim)
Left/Right movement range
is fixed.
Initially, steering trim and throttle trim are
assigned to ET1 and ET2 respectively.
●Sub Trim
The sub trim is accessed via the function menu,
but the steering trim can be assigned to one of
the ET keys in SETUP.
Adjusting neutral position only.
Left/Right angle range and neutral position can b
both be adjusted.


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